We all want Mushoku Tensei to overcome the weekly results. SO, all MT fans should vote these polls linked below:
Anime Corner
Poll link: polls.animecorner.me/vote/w12-spring2024
1. Click on the link above. This will directly send you to the Weekly Poll.
2. The Interface of the page will be like this.
3. You can see the search Button. Search "Mushoku Tensei".
4. Click on the + icon. Select your age and gender. Then click on Submit.
That's how you'll easily vote for MT in Anime Corner.
Anime Trending
1. Click on the link above. This will directly send you to the Weekly Poll.
2. The Interface of the page will be like this.
3. You can see the search Button. Search "Mushoku Tensei".
4. Click on the left circle icon, then press NEXT.
5. Fill up the information with your Age and Sex. Click on Submit.
That's how you can vote for MT in Anime Trending.
All of the poll links will be updated weekly.
Thank you for your time.